The Yesway / Allsup’s convenience store chain has more than 425 stores in nine states, mostly in Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico. A lot of the chain’s growth has occurred through acquisition, which has raised marketing challenges around equipment. Part of Yesway / Allsup’s in-store marketing uses translights, the messaging locations on beverage machines, and in this case it’s about coffee. With three different types of machines, with three different translights, the marketing team needed some clarity to get the right type of message, to the right machines located in the right stores.
Yesway / Allsup’s deployed an AccuStore survey across the chain’s 425 stores to determine which of the three machines were located in each of the stores. Store associates were able to use the AccuStore mobile app to complete the surveys and provide photographic data which could be verified and double-checked. The AccuStore mobile app was easy for associates to use, without confusion when answering survey questionnaires and uploading photos to the AccuStore cloud.
Increased Accuracy
Yesway / Allsup’s was able to make accurate store profiles to track equipment to stores. The store-specific marketing kits now provide the correct translight messages for the right machines.
Reduced Expenses
Yesway / Allsup’s reduced the amount of money they spent on printing and shipping. The improved accuracy of store-specific fulfillment drives value with reduced labor, improved marketing accuracy, and reduced shipping costs.
Improved Efficiency
The AccuStore survey was easier for store associates to complete in a timely manner compared to another leading survey tool. Now that store associates and the marketing team are familiar with AccuStore, other surveys may include fuel pump toppers.