We Rely on AccuStore for Retail Environments Projects Too
April 11, 2024 by Heidi Barnhart – A picture is worth 1,000 words. How many words is a virtual store walk worth? When “time is money,” then any sort of tool that clarifies and speeds collaboration among teams, contractors, clients, and vendors, has got to be worth something. Add in that it can reduce travel times to job sites, it’s even more valuable.

Our team also uses AccuStore’s survey tool to communicate that last 10 percent…the punchout list. Our project managers visit the jobsite, take photos, and annotate the images with what the updated requirements are. These are then shared with the appropriate contractors for a clear-cut explanation of the issue, which creates a significantly speedier response.

So, at GSP, we practice what we preach. We use AccuStore, just as we recommend our clients do. Contact Jamie Banks for a demonstration. Or better yet, let’s go visit a jobsite and see AccuStore in action.