GSP Companies’ AccuStore 6 Now Ready for Retailers
GSP announced today that the latest version of AccuStore 6.0, their retail marketing platform app from the AccuStore, is now available on Apple’s iOS App store and Android’s Play store.
5 Tasks to Ensure Success for Your Customer Loyalty Program
Establishing a loyalty program requires two major components. At GSP, we’ve worked with many clients to develop the branding and marketing of their loyalty programs
Light ‘Em Up – Darkness Blocks Conversion Rates
If you haven’t experienced your stores at night, you should. You’ll be surprised at what you’ll see.
‹ WORK WEIGEL’S LEGACY CONCEPT STORE CREATION Weigel’s, the historic convenience store chain based in Knoxville, TN., needed a partner to help them bridge the brand between their legacy stores and their new in-store retail experience. The Retail Environments team developed a brand strategy for all key categories, surveyed a pilot store, and created a […]
‹ WORK 3 STAR BRAND CREATION GSP’s Retail Environments team created the 3Star brand after working with the client’s market development team. The challenge was to create a new convenience store brand for Central and Eastern Europe that looks modern but hints at the past. The branding needs to be applicable to an old European […]
Why We Call It “Retail Environments” – Part 2
At GSP, we create a brand-right shopping experience for the shopper. We want the shopper to build a relationship with the retailer, and the first step to accomplish that goal is to create the retail environment. Read more in part 2 of our series.
GSP Showcases Scalability, Sustainability at StorePoint
‹ INSIGHTS | PRESS RELEASE GSP Showcases Scalability, Sustainability at StorePoint Sustainability, efficiency & design for large retailers featured at retail conference CLEARWATER, Florida, Jan. 22, 2024 – GSP will be presenting new approaches to building more efficient and sustainable in-store marketing programs at StorePoint, 2024, held in San Diego in January 21-24. The GSP […]
Why We Call It “Retail Environments” – Part 1
At GSP we use the word “Retail Environments” to talk about a holistic approach that creates brand-right convenience store renovations that lead to store-level success. In part one of this blog, we explain why.
3 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Newly Remodeled Store
Your new store looks great, and now you need to get them to come in and shop. Here’s three ideas you can implement before and after the grand re-opening, as well as during renovations.
‹ WORK DIGITAL CONTENT CREATION If you savor these sweet images, you’ll love how GSP’s creative team connects shoppers to your updated menu offerings. Our team of in-house photographers, stylists and art directors create delicious motion imagery that drive traffic into your stores. Let GSP help you discover what’s special about your brand and bring […]